Large daycare play room

the play room fetchers a Castle inspired house center with a Dora kitchen, dress up area, child's vanity table, dolls & extra baby clothes, table & chairs, Tool bench & pretend laungery..... the children love playing pretend here.


Large daycare play room

Circle Time area.......... great for song, Storied, music & movement, Puppet shows, felt board and much more.

we go over the days of the week, Letters of the Alphabet & counting 1-10


Back Yard Play space

more fetchers
- 2' ft toddler climber (only pick slide is visible in pic)
-play house & garden center
- turtle sand box
- 3'ft tall blue water slide
- 2'ft tall & 8'ft round trampoline


Large driveway play area

My driveway gets used in alot of diferent ways, Bike riding, drinving play cars, blowing bubbles, colouring with chock.... it also has a water table(not visible in pic) ladybug exersauser (not visible in pic) and playpen


small play area

I also have a small play area off the living room, again I used shelfs to orgaize the toys.
most toys in this room are geared for infants and toddlers
some of the toys are:
Noah's ark-clickets, little people house & barn, Winny the pooh block alphabet wagon, buzzy ball popper, about 20 different singing stuff toys, ect...


small play area

- fisher price baby's first kitchen centre
- & a bean bag Elmo chair



the children use the kitchen for meals, arts and crafts and play doe

it fetchers:
- 2 high chairs
-3 boosters
-craft supplies
- children's smocks
(just a small note....... my kitchen now fetchers a Art easel & craft table... sorry i don't have any resent photos of just the kitchen)

Large daycare play room

tiding up is made easier when everything has its own place... the play room fetchers large wooden book shelf's used for toy organization & Storage... toys are sorted by Cars, Trains, Blocks, toddler toys, Books & musical interments.

their is also a small Barbie are(not visible in picture)


Back Yard play space

-4' ft preschooler climber
- 9 person swing set
- 3 person teter-tater
-small patio with picknet table
- infant & toddler splash pad (& waiting pool... not visible)


Back Yard play space

last but not least
-4'ft tall basket ball net & 2'ft tall basket ball net
-3'ft deep by 15'ft round above ground pool


driveway play area

out door toys include
- toddler bikes
- ride in cars
- tricycles
- bicycles
-toy gas station
-roller blades & skates

small play area

also fetchers
- a play kitchen
- doll stroller & grocery cart
- Rose pealed cottage
- fisher price toddler piano


My living room

TV time is limited but the children can enjoy a little Treehouse TV or a movie first thing in the morning, just before nap time (& for non nappers during nap time) & just before bed.

these times are called Chill times as the children chill out to help them relax...... children who don't wish to watch TV during Chill time will be set up with a quiet activity like doing puzzles or reading a book


childrens's sleep room

I have a separate bed room set up for my daycare children. Its used for naps & over night
it fetchers:
-a bunk bed
-a single bed
-a crib
-a race car toddler bed
I also have extra 'pack n play' play pens that can be used if i have more then 1 infant/baby
Other items in my home include, a ocean wonders swing, 3 exersaucer's, a jolly jumper, baby activity gym, ect.....  I also have a bassinet in my room for young infants under 6 months.